* This site refuses to collect email addresses.
Please note that email addresses posted on this website will not be collected without permission using e-mail collection programs or other technical devices, and violations will be criminally punished under the Information and Communication Network Act.
Act on Promotion of Information Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc
Article 50-2 (Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of Electronic Mail Addresses, etc.)
1. No person shall collect e-mail addresses using programs or other technical devices that automatically collect e-mail addresses from the Internet homepage where the intention to refuse to collect e-mail addresses is specified.
2. No person shall sell or distribute e-mail addresses collected for the provisions of paragraph (1).
3. No person shall know that the e-mail address is prohibited from being collected, sold and distributed under the Gu affairs under paragraphs (1) and (2), and shall not use it for the transmission of information.
Article 65-2 (Penalty) A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by a fine of not more than 10 million won.
1. A person who has taken technical measures in violation of the provisions of paragraph (4) of the 50th second.
2. A person who transmits commercial information for commercial purposes in violation of the provisions of Article 50 (6).
3. A person who has used e-mail addresses for collection, sale, distribution, or information transmission in violation of the provisions of Article 50-2.